Unlocking Absorption: The Science Behind Feel Güd Gummies

Unlocking Absorption: The Science Behind Feel Güd Gummies
Why do you take supplements?
For most of us, our motivation behind taking supplements and other nutritional extras is not pure enjoyment, but rather the plethora of health benefits we feel we are receiving.
Which means that, aside from the delivery or experience of taking the supplement itself, the next most important thing to consider is absorption and how beneficial the product actually is for our health.
What is absorption?
The absorption rate of a supplement is directly linked with its bioavailability – that is, the degree and rate at which something is absorbed into the system of the user.
In the supplement market, the absorption rate of a product considers how quickly and how effectively its nutrients are driven into the system of the consumer. Absorption rate is not aligned with any industry standard, rather it is unique to each product and to the way that each product is designed.
One of the things that drives us here at Feel Güd is a desire to balance the quality and taste of our gummies with the underlying potency of their core ingredients. In researching the market, we realised that most supplements out there were not nearly potent enough to deliver a truly impactful absorption rate for consumers – meaning that consumers either needed to take more supplements thus driving the price high or suffer a lack of crucial nutrients.

Why is absorption so important when building a supplement?
Working with a bio-organic chemist, our gummies are engineered to give you the most benefits in each gummy. But in order to truly understand the process of designing and formulating our gummies to deliver the highest potency of quality ingredients and nutrients, we need to take you back to a study released in 2018 – long before Feel Güd was born…
The study published online found that “an effective chewable has about five times better absorption than a swallowed tablet, and two-three times better absorption than swallowed liquid emulsions”.
The first step in developing Feel Güd gummies was to consider why this is.
Working with our bio-medical professional, who has over 40 years of experience in the field, we found that a capsule supplement, and indeed a powder stirred into water, passed through the body with a minimal rate of absorption. Even with the same potency in the original product, the body was not able to digest and absorb the nutrients at the same rate, meaning that much of the güdness of these test samples was lost.
Our gummies, however, were formulated using water-soluble nutrients which are instantly and consistently easier for the body to absorb.
The importance of taste in developing our gummies
Once we knew we were looking to create a gummy-shaped product for the supplement market, our focus turned towards the actual consumer experience – namely how to integrate all of the most important ingredients into a gummy which actually tasted nice.
We used yet more studies to underpin the importance of taste, recognising that in-mouth absorption is the most effective for the body – and that for people to try and continue to take an in-mouth gummy, it had to taste nice.
One particular study shared by Nutraceuticals World even found that around half of all consumer stops taking supplements because of flavour.
So, taste became as much a part of the design and manufacturing process as the formulation of the gummy itself. And as you will see when browsing our website, the taste profile of each gummy remains a core benefit for each product.

The Feel Güd difference
Suffice to say, there’s a reason why so many consumers start taking our gummies and then never look back.
The taste, which is uniquely and specifically engineered to deliver an enjoyable experience with every gummy, means that consumers are more likely to add Feel Güd gummies to their daily routine. It also means that they are more likely to chew the gummy properly, thus releasing and facilitating an ever greater rate of absorption by starting the breakdown of the gummy and the release of its potent nutrients early in the digestion process.
And as many of our customers will attest to, the results – which are enhanced by our industry leading rate of absorption – means that these gummies aren’t just enjoyable to take but have a positive impact on your routine, lifestyle, and mindset.
For more information on our individual gummies and to learn how we formulate our gummies to deliver benefits for consumers, check out our other blogs or dive into the different gummy product pages.
It’s never too late to start your journey to feeling güd.